from Born Enough
copyright Rachael Dunville
I will be joining a panel of emerging female photographers based in New York at the 3rd Ward on Saturday to discuss what it means to be a woman making art photography. This discussion is in conjunction with the current exhibition in The Gallery at the 3rd Ward called 31 Under 31: Young Women in Art Photography organized by Humble Art Foundation and Ladies Lotto.
The panel will be moderated by photographer Amy Stein, whose work and blog and active presence in the photo world have been a great source of inspiration to me and to countless other photographers - men and women alike.
Pictured above is my favorite image in the exhibition by photographer and panelist, Rachael Dunville. Other panelists include Cara Phillips, Mary Mattingly and Sarah Small.
As I am intensely shy and nervous about speaking in front of groups of people, I am sorry to say that I am not actually planning to invite anyone I know in real life as I might have to see them again. It is only Tuesday and already, I am a bit queasy thinking about it. But I'd have felt worse if I ran away from this, as it is such a worthwhile topic and group of women, and in theory, I suppose one should do their best to overcome these fears.
Women in Art Photography
3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Saturday, March 22/6-8pm
you'll be great.
Wow. I am really touched. Thank you.
Sounds like a wonderful event. Good luck!
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