Damn - it is HOT down here. I drove out to Texas State University in San Marcos this morning with photographers and photo professors, Barry Stone and Ben Ruggerio, to give a talk about my work to a group of photo classes and to participate in a critique for Barry's summer intensive course.
As someone who is trying to shoot work in Texas, it was interesting for me to get an idea of what kinds of things Texans are photographing in their own region. At one point, we looked a work by a young woman who is shooting drag queens alongside work by a young man who is shooting Mormon missionaries. Both are hoping to portray their subjects in a sympathetic light. We also looked at interiors of a Baptist church, southern landscapes reminiscent of Walker Evans and William Eggleston, and a series of male nudes in lingerie quite unlike anything my green eyes have seen before.
Took an afternoon siesta in the A/C ... now I'm going swimming.
If you really want to check out some great photography is San Marcos you need to check out Carl Deal. He shoots around the world and has a great eye for Texas. His work puts most of the local effots to shame even those at Texas State.
Thanks so much for coming to Texas State, Tema, the students really got so much out of it. Just for the record the work documented here was (from the top) Rebecca Whelan, Leah Dolezal, and Laura Baughman's. Cheers!
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